Today, we’re going to delve into how AI is shaking up the world of event planning especially as it relates to target audience analysis and marketing strategies. I promise this isn't just another tech talk filled with buzzwords. Instead, we will consider practical ways AI can help you plan events better and reach out more effectively to your audience. Let’s get into it!

The Foundation of Any Great Event is Understanding Your Audience

Before we jump in, let's take a step back. Imagine you were planning a big birthday party. You wouldn’t invite everyone you know without thinking about what they like, right? You would think about who loves dancing, who enjoys soft spoken private chats with friends and whom may have good gifts. Event planning is pretty similar. Knowing your audience is the key to hosting an event that resonates.

But how do we go about figuring out who our audience really is and what their needs are? That’s where the AI comes in handy.

Using AI for Target Audience Analysis

Let's talk about one of my favorite tools: ChatGPT. By using event data on ChatGPT, we can obtain insights about our potential attendees. There is no magic in this – just data science!


Here’s how it works:

  • Collect Data: Get data from past events, surveys, social media interactions, and any other source where your audience engages with you.
  • Feed the AI: Input this data into ChatGPT or similar AI tools.
  • Generate Insights: This information will be processed by the AI, which will in turn present a comprehensive analysis of your target audience. Such an analysis would include demographic breakdowns as well as tastes/preferences that can help engage them best.

Example: I uploaded two data sets of event attendees and marketing campaign interactions to Chat GPT (csv file or pdf) and used this prompt: I would to run another event for this target audience. Identify points of interest for this target audience, and name two real influencers in the space I could invite as speakers to the event.

Response by ChatGPT-4.0:

"To organize an event targeting this audience, let's identify key points of interest based on the provided data, and suggest real influencers in the relevant spaces.

Analyzing Points of Interest

  1. Industries Represented:
    • Technology
    • E-commerce
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Finance
    • Healthcare
    • Telecommunications
    • Cryptocurrency
    • SaaS (Software as a Service)
    • Cybersecurity
    • Cloud Computing
    • Enterprise Software
    • Robotics
    • EdTech (Educational Technology)
    • FinTech (Financial Technology)
    • Smart Home
    • Digital Marketing
    • Research Institute
    • Banking
    • Supply Chain
    • Gaming
  2. Common Positions:
    • Software Engineer
    • Product Manager
    • CTO
    • Data Scientist
    • UX Designer
    • Marketing Director
    • Blockchain Developer
    • Growth Hacker
    • CEO
    • DevOps Engineer
    • Systems Architect
    • AI Researcher
    • Full Stack Developer
    • Product Owner
    • IoT Specialist
    • Data Analyst
    • Quantum Computing Researcher
    • Cybersecurity Analyst
    • Blockchain Consultant
    • VR/AR Developer
  3. Campaign Interactions:
    • Various interactions (email clicks, registrations, social shares, early bird tickets, workshop signups, speaker applications, email opens, survey completions, booth reservations, webinar attendance, newsletter subscriptions).

Key Areas of Interest

  • Emerging Technologies: AI, Blockchain, Quantum Computing, IoT, VR/AR.
  • Industry Trends: Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Smart Home, FinTech.
  • Professional Development: Workshops, webinars, speaker sessions, networking.

Suggested Influencers to Invite

  1. Andrew Ng: Co-founder of Coursera and Google Brain, and a leading figure in AI and machine learning. His expertise and influence in AI would resonate with the audience's interest in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and related emerging technologies.
  2. Vitalik Buterin: Co-founder of Ethereum, a major influencer in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. His insights into blockchain technology and its applications would appeal to attendees interested in cryptocurrency, FinTech, and supply chain innovations.

Event Agenda Suggestions

  1. Keynote Sessions:
    • "The Future of AI and Machine Learning" by Andrew Ng
    • "Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency" by Vitalik Buterin
  2. Workshops and Panels:
    • Cybersecurity trends and challenges
    • The impact of AI in various industries (healthcare, finance, robotics)
    • Innovations in Cloud Computing and Smart Home technologies
    • The future of FinTech and its role in global finance
  3. Networking Opportunities:
    • Breakout sessions by industry
    • Q&A sessions with keynote speakers
    • Virtual networking lounges and 1:1 meeting scheduling

By focusing on these areas and inviting renowned influencers, the event will cater to the interests and professional development of the target audience, ensuring engagement and value for attendees."

Crafting the Perfect Marketing Strategy with AI

Once we know who our audience is, the next step is figuring out how to reach them - another great application for AI. After all, what good is knowing your audience if you can’t get them to your event?


Here’s a practical way to use AI for developing a marketing strategy:

  • Input Audience Data: Just like before, start by feeding the AI all the data related to your target audience.
  • Ask for a Strategy: Request the AI to draft a marketing strategy. This can include recommendations for social media campaigns, email marketing, influencer partnerships, and more.
  • Refine and Implement: Review the AI’s suggestions, refine them based on your specific needs, and then put them into action.

Example: With the same two data sets as used in the previous example, I used this prompt: Based on this target audience, draft an AI marketing strategy. The strategy should include recommendations for social media campaigns, email marketing and influencer partnerships.

Response by ChatGPT-4.0:

"AI Marketing Strategy for Target Audience

  1. Audience Analysis Based on the datasets provided, the target audience for the marketing strategy consists of professionals from diverse industries such as Technology, E-commerce, Artificial Intelligence, Finance, Healthcare, Telecommunications, Cryptocurrency, SaaS, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Enterprise Software, Robotics, EdTech, FinTech, Smart Home, Digital Marketing, Research Institute, Banking, Supply Chain, and Gaming. Their positions range from engineers, developers, and scientists to directors, managers, and consultants, indicating a mix of technical and strategic roles.

2. Social Media Campaigns

Platforms: LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube are the primary platforms given the professional and technical nature of the audience.

Content Strategy:

  • Thought Leadership: Share articles, whitepapers, and case studies on emerging trends in technology, AI, cybersecurity, and other relevant industries. Engage industry experts from within the company to write and share content.
  • Webinars and Live Q&A Sessions: Host live sessions on LinkedIn and YouTube where experts discuss advancements in specific fields like AI, cybersecurity, blockchain, etc. Promote these events through Twitter for broader reach.
  • Success Stories and Testimonials: Showcase success stories from past events, highlighting the experiences and benefits received by attendees. Use video testimonials to add a personal touch.
  • Interactive Content: Create polls, quizzes, and infographics to engage the audience and gather insights into their preferences and interests.

Campaign Ideas:

  • #TechTrendsTuesday: A weekly series where industry trends are discussed.
  • #AIInnovators: Highlighting influential figures and companies in AI, featuring interviews or spotlight articles.
  • Event Countdown: Regular posts counting down to major events like TechConnect 2024, InnovateFest, etc., with sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes content.

3. Email Marketing


  • By Industry: Tailor content to specific industries to ensure relevance (e.g., AI, cybersecurity, finance).
  • By Interaction Type: Customize emails based on past interactions (e.g., those who registered for an event vs. those who completed a survey).

Content Strategy:

  • Personalized Invitations: Send personalized email invitations for upcoming events, webinars, and workshops that align with the recipient’s industry and interests.
  • Follow-Up Sequences: Create follow-up sequences post-event or interaction to maintain engagement. Include summaries of events, links to recordings, and upcoming opportunities.
  • Educational Newsletters: Develop monthly newsletters with curated content on industry trends, new research findings, and expert opinions. Highlight key takeaways from past events and promote upcoming ones.
  • Exclusive Offers: Offer early bird tickets, special discounts, or exclusive content to email subscribers to incentivize engagement and loyalty.

4. Influencer Partnerships

Criteria for Influencers:

  • Industry Relevance: Influencers should be respected voices in technology, AI, cybersecurity, and other relevant fields.
  • Engagement: Prefer influencers with high engagement rates over those with just a large follower count.
  • Content Quality: Look for influencers who produce high-quality, insightful, and engaging content.


  • Event Promotion: Partner with influencers to promote upcoming events through their social media channels and blogs. Have them share their personal experiences and the value they derived from similar events.
  • Guest Appearances: Invite influencers to be guest speakers or panelists at webinars and live events. Promote these appearances extensively.
  • Co-Created Content: Collaborate on whitepapers, articles, or video series that delve into industry trends and challenges. Share this content across both the company’s and the influencer’s platforms.
  • Giveaways and Contests: Run social media contests and giveaways in partnership with influencers to boost visibility and engagement. Prizes can include free event tickets, exclusive access to content, or one-on-one sessions with industry experts.

5. Measurement and Optimization

Key Metrics:

  • Engagement Rates: Likes, shares, comments, and clicks on social media posts.
  • Email Metrics: Open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
  • Event Attendance: Registration numbers and actual attendance.
  • Influencer Impact: Engagement and reach of influencer-partnered content.


  • A/B Testing: Continuously run A/B tests on email subject lines, social media content, and call-to-action buttons to identify what resonates best with the audience.
  • Feedback Loops: Collect feedback from attendees and participants to understand their preferences and improve future campaigns.
  • Analytics Tools: Utilize tools like Google Analytics, social media analytics, and email marketing platforms to track performance and make data-driven decisions.

By implementing this comprehensive AI marketing strategy, the company can effectively engage with its diverse and highly specialized target audience, driving awareness, engagement, and conversions across multiple channels."

Tips for Getting Started with AI in Your Event Planning

If you're excited about the possibilities of AI but not sure where to start, here are a few tips:

  • Start Small: Begin with one aspect of your event planning, such as audience analysis or social media marketing. Experiment with AI tools and see how they can help.
  • Use the Right Tools: There are plenty of AI tools out there, so find the ones that best fit your needs. For audience analysis, ChatGPT is a great option. For marketing, consider tools like and RADAAR.
  • Keep Learning: AI is a rapidly evolving field, so stay curious and keep learning. Follow industry news, attend webinars, and connect with other professionals to stay updated on the latest trends and best practices.

Wrapping Up

We know one thing for sure: AI is transforming the way we plan and market events, making it easier to understand our audiences and reach them effectively. By leveraging AI tools for target audience analysis and marketing strategy development, we can create more engaging and successful events. We at MEETYOO believe that by leveraging AI, we can make event planning more efficient, more effective, and a lot more fun.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about how we use AI at MEETYOO, feel free to reach out. We're always here to help and excited to share our expertise.

Until next time, happy planning!

Tim Adelmann

Tim Adelmann is our CTO of MEETYOO, where he leads innovative digital event solutions. With a strong background in programming, team leadership, and product management, Tim has been instrumental in advancing MEETYOO's virtual event platform. An avid sailor and coder, Tim is also passionate about hydroponics and staying at the forefront of technological advancements. He holds a degree from Universiteit Twente and is based in Würzburg, Germany. Connect with Tim to explore insights on AI, digital innovation, and sustainable tech solutions.

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